22 November 2010

Football/Soccer in Math language

When I woke up this morning, I came up with an idea on how to improve my blog. So here it is!
I'll give away some interesting facts. OK..OK..I know it's quite common to do it. But, hey! It doesn't hurt to try right? haha..So, these entries will be labelled as 'Do you know'. Just in case if you wish to review them. Just look into my archive. Have fun reading!

Brazil last won the world cup in 1994. Before that they won it in 1970. Add 1970 and 1994, it equals 3964.

Germany last won in 1990. Before that they won in 1974. Add 1990 and 1974, it equals 3964.

Argentina last won the world cup in 1986. Before that they won it in 1978. Add 1978 and 1986, it equals 3964.

So going by this logic, The winner of the 2002 world cup is the same as the 3964 - 2002 = 1962 world cup. The 1962 world cup was won by Brazil. It was really Brazil who won!!!
Harmless Blogger signing out!

20 November 2010

TER bertunang??!!!

Ni post ptama aq dlm bhsa MALAYSIA!!! WAHAHAHA!!

Percaya atau x, kita boleh ber”tunang” tanpa sedar?? Yup, kita boleh bertunang tanpa kita sedar, bila seorang lelaki, berhasrat untuk mengambil seorang perempuan untuk dijadikan isteri. Eh, itu memang normal bukan? Tapi, yang anda mungkin x tahu, anda sebenarnya sudah bertunang bila situasi seperti berikut berlaku:

Lelaki menyatakan hasrat ingin menjadikan perempuan itu isterinya, dan perempuan itu bersetuju. Adakah dikira telah bertunang? Padahal tidak ada ibu bapa perempuan tersebut.

Pinang dari segi hukum fiqah, bererti pihak lelaki menyatakan hasrat berkahwin pada pihak perempuan. Itu dipanggil pinang. Bila perempuan menjawab setuju, maka jadilah perempuan itu tunang laki tersebut.

Situasi yang dianggap pinangan:

"Aku nak jadikan kamu sebagai isteriku"

"Kahwinlah dengan kita bila2"

Bila si perempuan bersetuju, dia akan jadi tunang. Sama ada bercakap dalam telefon, tetap dah jadi tunang.


"lelaki sebut dalam telefon, "I nak jadikan u isteri I lah"

Perempuan tersebut jawab, I sukalah, I setujulah, oraitt I’m fine, oklah, I redha atau apa2 yang menunjukkan dia suka dengan “pinangan” lelaki tersebut, maka ia sudah dianggap bertunang.

Jadi, bila dia dah jadi tunang orang tanpa sedar, bila ada lelaki yang meminang, hukumnya haram.

Orang melayu time nak tunang duk bawang rombongan 1 bas, bawak barang2 pinangan, itu sebenarnya adalah ADAT bukan dari segi hukum Islam. Dari segi hukum Islam, dah jatuh hukum tunang.

Persoalan ialah bila Ibu bapa xde. Mengikut hukum syarak, kalau perempuan itu sudah diizin pada syarak. Sebagai contoh, perempuan yang cerdik, yang baligh, yang blh berfikir, etc dia sudah dianggap bertunang.

Bila perempuan tu x menepati hukum syarak tersebut, contoh seperti x baligh lagi(baru darjah 3 mungkin), perempuan tu bodoh(x boleh berfikir), gila, dan sebagainya, makanya wali diperlukan untuk jawab “pinangan” tersebut.

Haaa, adakah anda ternganga bila tiba2 tau anda sudah menjadi tunangan orang tanpa sedar?? Haaa, ayokkk, x tau. Hehehe.

Harmless Blogger signing out!

11 November 2010

AJ's Version of Exam Fever

Concerning the above tittle (wah! mcm surat rasmi la plak..hahaha)..I've realized that when it comes to exam seasons, certain symptoms will be haunting me like rapidly. The followings are some of them that I can recall up till this moment:

1. Sleeping problem (abnormal biological clock cycle..ngahaha..i wonder if that's the right term to use)
2. Longing for crappy/old games ex: super mario, battle tank, tetris.
3. Inseparable with my laptop & PSP.
4. Arrival of pure inspiration for new songs to compose.
5. Series of some chronic waking up problem.
6. Craving for insanely delicious foods.
7. Lazy enough to open a book. Let alone reading them. (^^)
8. Even if I do managed to open one, I'd just stare at them for few minutes instead of reading thoroughly.
9. Recalling as much memory as I could from the classes that I attended for the whole semester.
10. Download and watch whatever movies that I didn't get to watch at the cinema. HAHAHA!!!
11. Roaming from room to room looking for nothing.

I can only come up with 11 of them. LOL! I wonder if you do suffers from the symptoms above? It would be great to know someone who actually does! hehehe..bye for now!

Harmless Blogger Signing out!