29 August 2012

Ular Tedung Mati Digigit Petani Nepal

BIRATNAGAR, Nepal - Seorang petani Nepal yang dipatuk ular tedung ketika bekerja di sawah telah membunuh reptilia itu dengan menggigitnya beberapa kali, Selasa lalu.

"Penjinak ular memberitahu saya jika dipatuk ular, kita gigit sehingga ia mati dan tiada apa yang akan berlaku kepada kita," kata Mohammed Salmodin kepada BBC.

Mohammed Salmodin kini sudah dibenar keluar dari hospital di mana dia menerima rawatan akibat dipatuk ular.
Pegawai mengatakan bahawa petani itu tidak akan didakwa kerana reptilia itu tergolong dalam spesis yang tidak terancam.

"Apabila saya menyedari ular telah mematuk saya, saya pulang ke rumah untuk mengambil lampu suluh dan saya lihat ia adalah ular tedung. Lalu saya menggigit ular itu hingga mati," katanya yang ditemui di Biratnagar.

Selepas dipatuk ular, Mohammed menjalani aktivitinya seperti biasa seperti tiada apa yang berlaku. Namun akhirnya dia bersetuju mendapatkan rawatan selepas ahli keluarga, jiran dan polis mendesaknya.

Kejadian berlaku Selasa lalu di sebuah kampung 200 kilometer dari Kathmandu.
Ular yang dibunuh itu dilaporkan spesis ular tedung biasa. Nepal mempunyai pelbagai spesis ular, banyak yang berbisa - seperti ular tedung.

Terdapat kira-kira 20,000 kes dipatuk ular setahun, kebanyakannya di selatan Terai, menyebabkan 1,000 kematian, laporan agensi berita AFP.
Nasihat kepada mangsa gigitan ular berbeza kerana ular yang tidak sama jenisnya memiliki racun yang berbeza.

SUMBER: Sinar Harian

Harmless Blogger signing out!

12 August 2012

German Diver Scored 0.0 At Olympic; Stephen Feck

The effort came as Feck was trying to qualify for the final of the 3m springboard event on Monday. Everything looked normal as the dive began, but he then lost his grip on his left leg and things started going horribly wrong, as the picture show.

Dive of the century
The resulting backwards belly-flop was painful for the diver in more ways than one: first Feck had to ensure what was no doubt a horrific smack to his body, then he had to suffer the humiliation of seeing the scoreboard pop up with 0.0s across the board. We're not sure that we really need to spell this out, but Feck came dead last and failed to progress in the event.
Still, there is some consolation: the video has gone viral across the Internet (despite the IOC crackdown on rights violations) and while he may not go home with a medal, at least people will always remember his Olympic moment and give a little smile when they hear his name.

Here is a video from Youtube for you to watch regarding the dive itself. ENJOY!

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